Sunday, 27 March 2011

What's it all about?

So, I'm still trying to decide what this blog is for. Is it an account of my attempts to pick up a new hobby? Or a record of my decision to leave behind the world of TV and pursue a career in events and PR? I don't quite know yet, but I'm looking forward to seeing how it all pans out...

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Spring is here!

I've spent a lovely day sat in Imperial Gardens reading my book and trying to get a bit of colour onto my shockingly pale legs.

And as it has been such a lovely sunny day I decided to take a few snaps!

But whilst taking the next one I spotted something that put a massive dampner on my day.

Can you see that green and blue sign? Well that sign says 'Let' on it. Which came as a bit of a surprise as we had put an offer on this flat and had been told that it had been taken off the market as the landlord is overseas and they couldn't contact him. So of course I call them and they tell me that we were informed that they had managed to get hold of the landlord and another couple had also put in an offer, which was accepted as the landlord didn't want to put up blinds! Well if I'd had actually been told all of this we would of put up our own bloody blinds!

And to rub salt into the wound the other house we found last week and had put an offer on has also been rejected as the landlord decided to go with another offer. When will it end? I hate househunting!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

I ♥ Cheltenham

Since moving back to Cheltenham I've started to appreciate just how lovely this town is and I'm very grateful that I got to grow up here! Now that I'm living in the town centre my eyes have been opened to the beautiful architecture and the amazing regency buildings. (I must take some photos!) I'm very excited about spending spring and summer here, and being able to make the most of the various events that are going on in Cheltenham.

I should mention here that I've been offered a Press & PR internship with Cheltenham Festivals which I start the on the 6th April. I'm going to be assisting the marketing team two days a week during the run up to the Science Festival (7-12 June) and the Music Festival (29 June - 10 July). This of course means that I now have two unpaid jobs and a bar job but it should be a great experience - especially when combined with the events and PR experience I'm gaining from Bristol Vintage.

Talking of events, I'm planning on going to the Love Food Festival this weekend in Bristol as I have a very lovely 3 day weekend to look forward to! Cheltenham is also hosting a Food and Drink Festival on the 17th/18th/19th June. Lots of things to put in the diary - I'd better start booking some time off!

Monday, 21 March 2011

Living from a suitcase

So... we've been back in Cheltenham for about two months now and we still haven't got a place to live! We've survived by living out of suitcases, and moving in and out of serviced apartments and parents houses. So, very frustratingly, I haven't been able to progress with my sewing lessons. Very understandably my Mum won't part with the sewing machine until we're set up in a place, and I want so desperately to have a place of our own again. Although a serviced apartment may sound like a great compromise, we've been moved every other week and the one we're currently in hasn't even been cleaned properly. And considering my OCD tendencies this isn't a pleasant experience! I'm also finding it a tad difficult to deal with living out of my suitcase and not really knowing where my other various belongings are currently residing. Unfortunately Jack is used to this (mainly from having to do it for the best part of 2 years whilst he was working in Switzerland and Milan) so doesn't understand why I'm starting to go out of my mind!

I'm also feeling very inspired by lots of lovely things I've encountered lately. Most notably this wonderful blog! The 'Hen's' house is absolutely stunning and exactly what I would like my own home to look like - once we eventually settle somewhere permanently. I'm not really sure that any of this is to Jack's taste but I'm sure I could convince him! I'm also desperate to get a car so I can make the most of my sparse days off! I want to start going to car boots and antiques fairs so I can start collecting furnishings and fabrics. I really really want to go to the Lincolnshire Antiques & Homeshow but this seems like a far too expensive task to do on a train - and so much less fun to do on my own. I need more friends who don't work in the week!

Sunday, 20 March 2011

A very successful Vintage Wedding Fair!

The Bristol Vintage Wedding Fair was a resounding success yesterday and all the brides and exhibitors gave some amazing feedback, so Katie and Ali should be very proud of themselves! And their crockery looked amazing! You can hire any of the items below plus many many more for a wedding, picnic or even an afternoon tea.

Tara and Nicky, who both modelled these fabulous wedding dresses from The Handmade Wedding Co,   looked amazing and I loved their hair, created by the wonderful Beehive Brides.

A very good day all round I'd say - I'm already looking forward to the next one!

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Stage one is go!

My fabric arrived today from Fabric Garden and they're gorgeous.

I also got my first lesson on the sewing machine! I need to take it slowly and get the hang of the machine first but I can't help getting ahead of myself and thinking of all the things I want to make. I even set up my shop on Folksy and I haven't even made anything yet! I think I'm going to spend the afternoon cutting out some shapes for my Fabric Hearts...

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Bristol Vintage Wedding Fair

It's the Bristol Vintage Wedding Fair this Sunday 20th March - check out the blog here for a list of all the exhibitors.

It's the South West's first vintage fair and has been organised by Katie and Ali from Bristol Vintage. It's going to be a fun day and I'm really looking forward to it. It's also Katie's last event for a while so I'm going to be helping out Ali a lot more, and will even be organising a few events myself. I'll keep updating on all of the events coming up!

Monday, 14 March 2011

Meet Mollie!

I was introduced to my new sewing machine yesterday! Isn’t she cute? I think I’m going to christen her Mollie.

She was my Nan’s, and she’s also given me her sewing box so I’m getting excited about starting on my first crafty project! And to kick it all off I’ve just bought these gorgeous fabrics from Fabric Garden on ebay.
Photograph by Fabric Garden

Photograph by Fabric Garden

I hope to eventually source vintage fabrics myself via car boots and fairs but ebay seemed like a good place to start and I absolutely love them. Let’s hope they're as good in the ‘flesh’!
The first task I’ve set myself is to create a fabric heart and a cushion. I’m going to try out this guide I found on the Guardian website for the fabric heart and I’m thinking of combining a couple of the fabrics when designing them. Now I’ve just got to be patient and wait for the fabrics to arrive!

Sunday, 13 March 2011

A new year, a new adventure.

So 2011 has been an interesting year so far. After living in London for 2 years and working in production at the BBC, I made the decision to move back to my hometown and work in a bar. I know, I know, I must be crazy. Thousands of people would kill to have been in my position. But I wasn't happy. And it really is as simple as that.

I lived with my boyfriend in London (and still do - no sad break up story to add to the situation) and I adored our flat in the leafy suburbs of Ealing. I also loved my role with the BBC... to begin with. It's not that anything about the job particularly changed and I did have some amazing experiences - namely working on such fantastic shows as Strictly Come Dancing, Miranda and Twently Twelve. But I couldn't realistically see myself working in the industry in 10 years time and I couldn’t single out a career within TV that I wanted to pursue. Bur most importantly for me, I’ve always wanted children. And although my feminist side insists that I could have it all - a glamorous job, a loving husband, and three beautiful children, I know thats not a realistic expectation - at least not if I actually want to spend quality time with my family. And besides, life's too short for regrets and so I've decided to try something new whilst I've still not got any financial responsibilites.

So, the move back to Cheltenham? My boyfriend, who is also from the area, works as an IT consultant and regularly works on projects all over the world with the latest one being in, yes you guessed it, Cheltenham! Well, the opportunity to move back closer to my family (but not in with my family) completely rent free after paying colossal rent in London? And potentially save enough money to go travelling at the end of the year! Well, how could a girl refuse?

I've always had an interest in events planning as it gives me the chance to be both creative and organised. So I found a great events company called Bristol Vintage whilst trawling the internet and got in touch to see if they'd like a very enthusiastic pair of hands to help them with a vintage wedding fair they were currently organising. And they said yes! Katie and Ali set up Bristol Vintage having both worked for Aardman Animations – Katie as a producer and Ali as the PA to Nick Parks. They both loved all things vintage and both collect vintage crockery as a hobby, and so decided to turn it into a business providing crockery for hire for weddings and events. The business took off, and what started out as a part time venture has turned into a full time job. Working with them so far has been a joy and they have taken me under their wings and encouraged me to do what makes me happy. They’ve also made me feel so much more secure in my decision to leave London and the world of TV as they’ve made the jump themselves.

So, the decision to pick up a new vintage inspired hobby has come from working with Bristol Vintage. I’ve always had an interest in interior design, and if I’d made different decisions along the way I very well could be a qualified designer by now. But there’s no point in looking back at what could have been, and so instead I’ve decided to apply these interests to a new hobby - designing and creating vintage inspired furnishings!