Monday, 14 March 2011

Meet Mollie!

I was introduced to my new sewing machine yesterday! Isn’t she cute? I think I’m going to christen her Mollie.

She was my Nan’s, and she’s also given me her sewing box so I’m getting excited about starting on my first crafty project! And to kick it all off I’ve just bought these gorgeous fabrics from Fabric Garden on ebay.
Photograph by Fabric Garden

Photograph by Fabric Garden

I hope to eventually source vintage fabrics myself via car boots and fairs but ebay seemed like a good place to start and I absolutely love them. Let’s hope they're as good in the ‘flesh’!
The first task I’ve set myself is to create a fabric heart and a cushion. I’m going to try out this guide I found on the Guardian website for the fabric heart and I’m thinking of combining a couple of the fabrics when designing them. Now I’ve just got to be patient and wait for the fabrics to arrive!

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