Monday, 21 March 2011

Living from a suitcase

So... we've been back in Cheltenham for about two months now and we still haven't got a place to live! We've survived by living out of suitcases, and moving in and out of serviced apartments and parents houses. So, very frustratingly, I haven't been able to progress with my sewing lessons. Very understandably my Mum won't part with the sewing machine until we're set up in a place, and I want so desperately to have a place of our own again. Although a serviced apartment may sound like a great compromise, we've been moved every other week and the one we're currently in hasn't even been cleaned properly. And considering my OCD tendencies this isn't a pleasant experience! I'm also finding it a tad difficult to deal with living out of my suitcase and not really knowing where my other various belongings are currently residing. Unfortunately Jack is used to this (mainly from having to do it for the best part of 2 years whilst he was working in Switzerland and Milan) so doesn't understand why I'm starting to go out of my mind!

I'm also feeling very inspired by lots of lovely things I've encountered lately. Most notably this wonderful blog! The 'Hen's' house is absolutely stunning and exactly what I would like my own home to look like - once we eventually settle somewhere permanently. I'm not really sure that any of this is to Jack's taste but I'm sure I could convince him! I'm also desperate to get a car so I can make the most of my sparse days off! I want to start going to car boots and antiques fairs so I can start collecting furnishings and fabrics. I really really want to go to the Lincolnshire Antiques & Homeshow but this seems like a far too expensive task to do on a train - and so much less fun to do on my own. I need more friends who don't work in the week!

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